10:00 |
Opening & Announcements
On Causal Prevention
Katsumi Inoue
Counterfactual explanation from (neuro-)symbolic view
Tony Ribeiro
A formal account of Hollis's paradox
Chiaki Sakama
11:00 |
Progress report of T-PRISM
Ryosuke Kojima
Parsimonious Equation Learning with Causality
Mitsuhiro Odaka
Class-Incremental Learning using Diffusion Model for Distillation and Replay
Phua Yin Jun
12:00 |
13:00 |
Preference-based Repairs of Databases and Knowledge Bases
Meghyn Bienvenu
Discovering Relations between Neural State Variables for Symbolic Regression
Koji Watanabe
14:00 |
Understanding Symbol Binding in Multimodal Transformers
Alex Spies
Network construction via graph neural cellular automata
Xu Fanqing
15:00 |
BeliefFlow: a Framework for Logic-Based Belief Diffusion via Iterated Belief Change
Nicolas Schwind
When ML gets wrong... KR to the rescue!
Pierre Marquis
16:00 |
DNF as a neurral network and interpolant learning
Taisuke Sato
Discussion & Closing
Differentiable solver for Sudoku and Logic Programs under Stable Model Semantics
Akihiro Takemura
17:00 |
From stable model condition to learning normal rules in the form of program matrices
Tuan Nguyen