Morning Session (Day1)
Afternoon Session 1 (Day1)
Understanding Symbol Binding in Multimodal Transformers
Preference-based Repairs of Databases and Knowledge Bases
BeliefFlow: a Framework for Logic-Based Belief Diffusion via Iterated Belief Change
Elucidating Cell Behavior under Radiation Using Machine Learning
Afternoon Session 2 (Day1)
Differentiable solver for Sudoku and Logic Programs under Stable Model Semantics
Learning Programs by Analyzing Hypothesis Space and Learning Process
Multi-Source Transfer Learning using Attention-Based Fusion of Multiple CNN Models
Applying ASP Modulo Theories to Inductive Logic Programming
DNF as a neurral network and interpolant learning
From stable model condition to learning normal rules in the form of program matrices
Morning Session (Day2)
Counterfactual explanation from (neuro-)symbolic view
Class-Incremental Learning using Diffusion Model for Distillation and Replay
Afternoon Session 1 (Day2)
Network construction via graph neural cellular automata
Discovering Relations between Neural State Variables for Symbolic Regression